Journeys and efforts to reach the unreached and teach the untaught of Haiti the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In any possible way efforts to help the poor and needy and to tell their story so others can help them in their need.
Journeys and efforts to reach the unreached and teach the untaught of Haiti the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In any possible way efforts to help the poor and needy and to tell their story so others can help them in their need.
A CAll to Action -Stop the Mud Eating in Haiti!!!
You can help reverse malnutrition and starvation in Haitis children. Whatever we may think went wrong, or when or by whom - one thing for sure THE CHILDREN ARE INNOCENT!!!! As things grow more difficult in Haiti the children, nursing mothers, the elderly and even the men have resorted to eating dirt mixed with water, oil and salt and baked in the can do something today -
Every .23 cents you donate supplies a packaged meal ready to ship to these people. Our Palm Beach Satellite of Kids Against Hunger with volunteers becomes the manufacturer. We purchase the bulk materials and package them into ready to distribute 3 mil thick bags with 6 servings each and box them 36 bags to a box and palletize them 33 boxes to a pallet.....from there whichever country is selected the special formual meals are shipped....a $50.00 donation would supply a box ready to go - thats 216 meals. That could give a family of seven - or seven children a balanced nutritional meal daily for a month - just $50.00. Any amount donation is highly treasured and respected. When you are hungry .23 cents and a meal is most treasured and with a grateful heart. Please feel free to call for more details. there are Volunteer opportunities available........if you decide to donate by check they should be made payable to:
R.A.I.N. Inc - Kids Against Hunger Palm Beach Chapter - or as Commerce Bank has the account abreviated to fit on our VISA/DEBIT Card: RIAN KAH PBC Inc. .....If you prefer to directly transfer to the account please call for the account routing and account numbers.
All donations are tax deductable as allowed by law. We are an IRS approved 501 (c) 3
Please be sure to include your name, address so we can properly receipt you. If you would like to volunteer time also please include a phone number and /or e-mail. If you prefer to give for the logistical expenses of shipping, port taxes, import tarifs, transportation and cooking supplies to deliver the meals directly into the bellies of these children make the check out to R.A.I.N. HAITI and please designate so we can be sure to get into correct accounts and designated use. thank you - Rich Thomas
Every .23 cents you donate supplies a packaged meal ready to ship to these people. Our Palm Beach Satellite of Kids Against Hunger with volunteers becomes the manufacturer. We purchase the bulk materials and package them into ready to distribute 3 mil thick bags with 6 servings each and box them 36 bags to a box and palletize them 33 boxes to a pallet.....from there whichever country is selected the special formual meals are shipped....a $50.00 donation would supply a box ready to go - thats 216 meals. That could give a family of seven - or seven children a balanced nutritional meal daily for a month - just $50.00. Any amount donation is highly treasured and respected. When you are hungry .23 cents and a meal is most treasured and with a grateful heart. Please feel free to call for more details. there are Volunteer opportunities available........if you decide to donate by check they should be made payable to:
R.A.I.N. Inc - Kids Against Hunger Palm Beach Chapter - or as Commerce Bank has the account abreviated to fit on our VISA/DEBIT Card: RIAN KAH PBC Inc. .....If you prefer to directly transfer to the account please call for the account routing and account numbers.
All donations are tax deductable as allowed by law. We are an IRS approved 501 (c) 3
Please be sure to include your name, address so we can properly receipt you. If you would like to volunteer time also please include a phone number and /or e-mail. If you prefer to give for the logistical expenses of shipping, port taxes, import tarifs, transportation and cooking supplies to deliver the meals directly into the bellies of these children make the check out to R.A.I.N. HAITI and please designate so we can be sure to get into correct accounts and designated use. thank you - Rich Thomas
R.A.I.N. ing Food for the malrourished and starving children
Top left: Girl with belly showing malnutrition effects
Top Right: Girl after 6 months on the special formula anti nutrition damage reversing formula
Middle Left: Girl now - a picture of health
Middle Right: this bag is packaged by volunteers and holds 6 servings of this highly specialized formula
Bottom left: a picture of volunteers that come in and package the food - this enables us to have the food packaged and ready with a three year shelf life at .23 cents a meal - the volunteers are the Key...and those who supply the .23 cents per meal...
$10.00 can feed a school child in Haiti for a month -
$20.00 can feed and educate a child for a month
$30.00 can feed, educate and give simple health care to a child for a month
these tax deductable donations should be made out to:
RAIN HAITI - One Child at A Time
OTHER OPTIONS - FOOD PACKAGING ON THE U.S.A. side - to offset the cost of preparing and packaging meals make these donations out to:
$10.00 can provide more than forty (40) ready to ship meals..
$25.00 can provide more than one hundred (100) ready to ship meals
$50.00 can provide more than two hundred (200) ready to ship meals (actually about 212 meals ready to go)
$100.00 can provide more than four hundred (400) ready to ship meals (actually about 424 meals ready to go)
If you are in Palm Beach County or within traveling distance to Palm Beach County and would like to have your group or organization raise money and / or to schedule a packaging event call 561-541-6488 and ask for Cynthia
You want to donate but not package - no problem as of this writing we have approxiametly 3,000 servings packed by volunteers ready to ship as soon as we have financial donors offsetting the cost of the food and materials so we can replace them and package some more....
We packaged almost 12,000 meals at the Grand Opening of the Palm Beach Chapter on January 26th and we have on hand ingredients to package an additional 18,000 meals. CAll us to speak about how your group can sponsor a packaging event. Not sure about how to raise funds - we can give you some leads on how to go about that also.....
Top left: Girl with belly showing malnutrition effects
Top Right: Girl after 6 months on the special formula anti nutrition damage reversing formula
Middle Left: Girl now - a picture of health
Middle Right: this bag is packaged by volunteers and holds 6 servings of this highly specialized formula
Bottom left: a picture of volunteers that come in and package the food - this enables us to have the food packaged and ready with a three year shelf life at .23 cents a meal - the volunteers are the Key...and those who supply the .23 cents per meal...
$10.00 can feed a school child in Haiti for a month -
$20.00 can feed and educate a child for a month
$30.00 can feed, educate and give simple health care to a child for a month
these tax deductable donations should be made out to:
RAIN HAITI - One Child at A Time
OTHER OPTIONS - FOOD PACKAGING ON THE U.S.A. side - to offset the cost of preparing and packaging meals make these donations out to:
$10.00 can provide more than forty (40) ready to ship meals..
$25.00 can provide more than one hundred (100) ready to ship meals
$50.00 can provide more than two hundred (200) ready to ship meals (actually about 212 meals ready to go)
$100.00 can provide more than four hundred (400) ready to ship meals (actually about 424 meals ready to go)
If you are in Palm Beach County or within traveling distance to Palm Beach County and would like to have your group or organization raise money and / or to schedule a packaging event call 561-541-6488 and ask for Cynthia
You want to donate but not package - no problem as of this writing we have approxiametly 3,000 servings packed by volunteers ready to ship as soon as we have financial donors offsetting the cost of the food and materials so we can replace them and package some more....
We packaged almost 12,000 meals at the Grand Opening of the Palm Beach Chapter on January 26th and we have on hand ingredients to package an additional 18,000 meals. CAll us to speak about how your group can sponsor a packaging event. Not sure about how to raise funds - we can give you some leads on how to go about that also.....
Education in Cazeau Haiti
Let me take the priveledge to introduce to you our children at Cadeau. We have a little elementary school there and want to give you some facts of Haitian Life.
The fact is there is no tax base in haiti for providing for the childrens education. Around half the people it is said in haiti do not read or write. These children you see her would have no option for an education even though there parents desire would be that there children would recieve and education. The reason for this is the parents would have to choose between education or giving these children something to eat....we do what we can but need your help.
Our goals is to see they get the materials and teaching helps they need. We also have the goal of cooking for them that hot meal special formula we can supply through the Kids Against Hunger Palm Beach County packaging satelite.
We can easily put a child in school for about $10.00 american a month. we can give them a cooked and delivered meal for about 410.00 a month. we can supply them some medical care for about $10.00 a month. So for $30.00 american a month we can educate, feed daily a balanced nutritional meal that will supply them with all the required daily allowances needed for the developement for their bodies and brains and help them with smaller medical needs. As each schools donor base grows we are able to strenthen all these areas. Anything and everything helps. Any amount helps. We are doing it anyway and with your help it will be strenthened. Maybe yopur business, oragnization, civic group, church, synagogue or other may want to sponsor a school. A basic school budget for one of our schools can be as little as $300.00 to $450.00 per month and they can have a good school, one of the best schools in thier country. Help us today!!!
We call this: ONE CHILD AT A TIME -
$10.00 - give a child an education
$10.00 - give a child a special formula meal with 52% protein, 21 vitamins & minerals, 6 vegetables and rice every school day each month
$10.00 to help give the child basic health care for a month
$30.00 - give all to a child for a month or ongoing .... basically you will be adopting a child -
we will report on the idea of adoption in haiti. The short of it now is this. When a family cannot afford to take care of their child anymore they will ask someone to adopt the child. What they are hoping is a better future for their child. In some cases the children are abused, more on that in a later report. What we do is leave them with their family and help with the financial burden by our TAX DEDUCTABLE DONATION that we give to ONE CHILD AT A TIME and giving them a meal thats meets daily requirements, give them an education and some medical care. By the strength of many donors we can make all the programs all the stronger.
If you would like to participate in any of the programs above you can make a check out to:
RAIN HAITI - One Child at a Time
178 Berenger Walk
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33414
If you would like to discuss this further you can reach us by phone at 561-541-6488
Let me take the priveledge to introduce to you our children at Cadeau. We have a little elementary school there and want to give you some facts of Haitian Life.
The fact is there is no tax base in haiti for providing for the childrens education. Around half the people it is said in haiti do not read or write. These children you see her would have no option for an education even though there parents desire would be that there children would recieve and education. The reason for this is the parents would have to choose between education or giving these children something to eat....we do what we can but need your help.
Our goals is to see they get the materials and teaching helps they need. We also have the goal of cooking for them that hot meal special formula we can supply through the Kids Against Hunger Palm Beach County packaging satelite.
We can easily put a child in school for about $10.00 american a month. we can give them a cooked and delivered meal for about 410.00 a month. we can supply them some medical care for about $10.00 a month. So for $30.00 american a month we can educate, feed daily a balanced nutritional meal that will supply them with all the required daily allowances needed for the developement for their bodies and brains and help them with smaller medical needs. As each schools donor base grows we are able to strenthen all these areas. Anything and everything helps. Any amount helps. We are doing it anyway and with your help it will be strenthened. Maybe yopur business, oragnization, civic group, church, synagogue or other may want to sponsor a school. A basic school budget for one of our schools can be as little as $300.00 to $450.00 per month and they can have a good school, one of the best schools in thier country. Help us today!!!
We call this: ONE CHILD AT A TIME -
$10.00 - give a child an education
$10.00 - give a child a special formula meal with 52% protein, 21 vitamins & minerals, 6 vegetables and rice every school day each month
$10.00 to help give the child basic health care for a month
$30.00 - give all to a child for a month or ongoing .... basically you will be adopting a child -
we will report on the idea of adoption in haiti. The short of it now is this. When a family cannot afford to take care of their child anymore they will ask someone to adopt the child. What they are hoping is a better future for their child. In some cases the children are abused, more on that in a later report. What we do is leave them with their family and help with the financial burden by our TAX DEDUCTABLE DONATION that we give to ONE CHILD AT A TIME and giving them a meal thats meets daily requirements, give them an education and some medical care. By the strength of many donors we can make all the programs all the stronger.
If you would like to participate in any of the programs above you can make a check out to:
RAIN HAITI - One Child at a Time
178 Berenger Walk
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33414
If you would like to discuss this further you can reach us by phone at 561-541-6488
What is this? I am glad you asked....
This dear reader and freind is a Haitan mud pie. This particular one has some of the finest of ingredients in it. You see how white it is - this is the better DIRT. This IS ALL SOME WILL HAVE TO EAT TODAY. Some of us never involuntarily missed a meal so it is hard to relate to this condition. Sometimes some go many days without food. Reports of deaths from starvation get reported in this NEIGHBOR country ONE AND ONE HALF (1.5) HOURS BY PLANE FLIGHT FROM fLORIDA.
Thats right DIRT. Thats the recipe. A special dirt coming from a certain region of haiti near Hinche. Then it is mixed with water and the rocks, roots, and undesolvable bigger hard pieces of /// whatever?? are removed. You stir it up real good, not with any special sanitary utensils, mostly bare hands of the workers making the pies - or cookies....
After that, which the water IS NOT BOILED or anything, after that add some oil, butter if you want to spend a extra to formulate and a little salt and mix it all together and you have the MUD PIE BATTER or some call them MUD PIE COOKIES.
Next you take the BATTER nad spread it into a swirl like this and place them somewhere to dry in the sun...maybe on concrete or most times a sheet of material used again and again without washing (it costs to much money for the soap and the walk is too much for the water into the 5 gallon buckets)
So after some hours they are dry and ready for the market so other haitians can eat and stop the hunger pains today.
These are even fed to children. They sell for about 5 cents american....if a haitian eats this it is because there is nothing else....
for every .23 cents you can donate or help us to raise one meal of a special formula will be given to a child and they will not need to eat a mud pie / cookie today!!!!
To volunteer, package food, give time, talenst or treasure
Call 561-541-6488
HAITI anti malnutrition and starvation - Kids Against Hunger Palm Beach County packs 12,000 meals
In 5 or 6 hours the newly formed chapter / satellite with a bunch of people from differing backgrounds and lifes came together to package the special formula that reverses the malnutrion and starvation damages in people who do not get enough to eat.
All were amazed as people voluteered and donated money as well as time to package the special took about 5-6 hours to package that many meals...
Do you live in Palm Beach County or would you like to travel hear to package some meals? Call us to volunteer.
Can you help ask for donations knowing that every 23 cents collected will feed a child a fully balanced nutritional meal today..
Perhaps you have more experience fund raising - can you spread the word and ask for some funds for the children???/
Perhaps your school, civic group, corporation, church or synagogue would like to set a goal raise the funds and then package the meals and box them ready to be shipped. Maybe you want to make this a family event - feeding starving children..
In general a group of 8 people raising $300.00 and giving two (2) hours to package 1,200 matter how many people or how much money we NEED YOUR HELP....
call to volunteer or donate today 561-541-6488 Rich or Cynthia Thomas
if you prefer you can e-mail us at
All were amazed as people voluteered and donated money as well as time to package the special took about 5-6 hours to package that many meals...
Do you live in Palm Beach County or would you like to travel hear to package some meals? Call us to volunteer.
Can you help ask for donations knowing that every 23 cents collected will feed a child a fully balanced nutritional meal today..
Perhaps you have more experience fund raising - can you spread the word and ask for some funds for the children???/
Perhaps your school, civic group, corporation, church or synagogue would like to set a goal raise the funds and then package the meals and box them ready to be shipped. Maybe you want to make this a family event - feeding starving children..
In general a group of 8 people raising $300.00 and giving two (2) hours to package 1,200 matter how many people or how much money we NEED YOUR HELP....
call to volunteer or donate today 561-541-6488 Rich or Cynthia Thomas
if you prefer you can e-mail us at
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