Journeys and efforts to reach the unreached and teach the untaught of Haiti the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In any possible way efforts to help the poor and needy and to tell their story so others can help them in their need.

A CAll to Action -Stop the Mud Eating in Haiti!!!

You can help reverse malnutrition and starvation in Haitis children. Whatever we may think went wrong, or when or by whom - one thing for sure THE CHILDREN ARE INNOCENT!!!! As things grow more difficult in Haiti the children, nursing mothers, the elderly and even the men have resorted to eating dirt mixed with water, oil and salt and baked in the can do something today -
Every .23 cents you donate supplies a packaged meal ready to ship to these people. Our Palm Beach Satellite of Kids Against Hunger with volunteers becomes the manufacturer. We purchase the bulk materials and package them into ready to distribute 3 mil thick bags with 6 servings each and box them 36 bags to a box and palletize them 33 boxes to a pallet.....from there whichever country is selected the special formual meals are shipped....a $50.00 donation would supply a box ready to go - thats 216 meals. That could give a family of seven - or seven children a balanced nutritional meal daily for a month - just $50.00. Any amount donation is highly treasured and respected. When you are hungry .23 cents and a meal is most treasured and with a grateful heart. Please feel free to call for more details. there are Volunteer opportunities available........if you decide to donate by check they should be made payable to:
R.A.I.N. Inc - Kids Against Hunger Palm Beach Chapter - or as Commerce Bank has the account abreviated to fit on our VISA/DEBIT Card: RIAN KAH PBC Inc. .....If you prefer to directly transfer to the account please call for the account routing and account numbers.

All donations are tax deductable as allowed by law. We are an IRS approved 501 (c) 3
Please be sure to include your name, address so we can properly receipt you. If you would like to volunteer time also please include a phone number and /or e-mail. If you prefer to give for the logistical expenses of shipping, port taxes, import tarifs, transportation and cooking supplies to deliver the meals directly into the bellies of these children make the check out to R.A.I.N. HAITI and please designate so we can be sure to get into correct accounts and designated use. thank you - Rich Thomas

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