This past week, IFA reached out to you, asking you to send a message of encouragement and prayer to Attorney General William Barr. We have been blown away by your emails to him–more than 4000! Your insight, thoughtfulness, and sensitivity to the Spirit of God encourage all of us here at IFA. We thought you would be encouraged to read some of the responses as well. What follows is a brief selection of messages.
It's not too late for you to participate if you didn't see this or haven't done it yet. Just CLICK HERE and follow the simple instructions: https://www.ifapray.org/pray/message-leader.php?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f71501%2frespond.
And share this article so your friends can participate!
Thank you for standing for truth… especially under fire. Many of us appreciate you and your service to us but you may not hear our voices. This is a chance for you to hear us. I am praying for you and encouraging you to stand firm for what you know is right and true. God bless you.
Since you have come into office my heart has been encouraged because of your relentless pursuit of truth, justice and righteousness. Thank you for standing with our President. Please know that you are not alone – thousands of us are standing with you, praying for you and holding up your arms. Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill… When Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed… Moses' hands became heavy, so they helped him sit on a stone and with Aaron on one side and Hur on the other, they held up his arms and Israel prevailed in the battle. Exodus 17. Tens of thousands of us are your Aarons and Hurs, holding up your arms in battle. Please do not get weary and stop – we are holding you up. You (and the Lord) WILL PREVAIL!!!
Greetings from Malibu, California. We are standing with you and your staff in your pursuit of justice & truth. Stay strong! There are more for you than against you. Do not believe all the noise in the media or from political adversaries.
God sees all things and he will not be mocked. YOU have been called for such a time as this.
May God bless you and your family. May he protect you and keep you from harm as you root out the unrighteousness in this nation. Amen
THANK YOU, Att. Gen. William Barr for your integrity and for giving of yourself to the United States of America! Thank you to all your staff!
We are praying for you to stand strong in the face of all opposition, without fear … knowing that God Himself is your Protector – Provider – Wisdom – and Victor. HE is "more than enough" for every challenge you and your staff are facing … for every decision you must make – and for every answer for our nation. On God alone may you lean, rely, and trust! (Psalm 27:1)
We are so appreciative of you and our staff! May you continually find your refuge and counsel in the LORD! (Psalm 34:8)
God PROTECT and BLESS each one of you spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally – and build you up in every way you need.
Most sincerely,
Bob and Sylvia
Please know many Americans appreciate what you are doing to restore justice in America and pray for you regularly.
When I watched your speech at Notre Dame I realized we are blessed to have a man of unique integrity at the helm of DOJ. I appreciate the difficulty of the job in this volatile atmosphere and I encourage you to stay the course and to realize you have the privilege of being used by God to accomplish something of real value to the nation.
I pray for your blessing, protection and continued wisdom from our Father in heaven.
As a 66 year-old graduate of Cornell and a Colson Fellow with the Colson Center for Biblical Worldview, I am not ignorant of the critical moment of time we are in, nor of the attacks on you as Attorney General.
Thank you for your service to God and our nation. Truth and justice are deeply woven into the heart of God and always being attacked by the enemy.
My you have grace and grit to see it through. May His kingdom continue to shine light into your heart that you may effectively be refreshed and stand up for what is right.
Am praying for you now and purposing to keep you in my heart. Thank you again for your service.
My wife and I are praying for you, your staff, the President and the nation. God gave me Isaiah 42:2 and Isaiah 42:4 to share with you. Know that Our Father loves you and He has prepared you for this moment. Your fight and endurance for the sake of Justice and Righteousness is a great joy and comfort to all of us who love God's Word and His truth. I pray that you and your team are encouraged and strengthen by the knowledge that many, who you do not know, love you and will continue to pray for you. The evil in this land has captured the hearts of many but the God we serve is stronger and is your shield to cleanse and redeem those things that have been lost and broken. Take courage today as His goodness flows over you.
Rod and Ann
I am praying for you, Attorney General Barr, and asking God to strengthen you with His omnipotent power. Continue to stand strong for truth and justice against the Deep State. America needs you. You have a purpose to fulfill and a duty to perform as a man of integrity and honor. Stand fast. Hold your post. The Deep State will try but they can never wear you down. You are protected and shielded by Almighty God. A grateful nation thanks you for the tireless job you and your staff are doing in your fight against the Deep State and your efforts to bring honor and justice back to our government again. Know that I am praying for you regularly, as are many Americans.
Stand firm in His Word – God gives us the tools we need for the calling He has for us.
I know that this is a difficult and often times thankless job. And many have attacked the job you're doing; not because you're not good at it. Quite the contrary. You are going after many who have been comfortable in the disobedience and lies. Please STAND STRONG. And know there are those of us out here praying for you.
Stand firm in His Word – God gives us the tools we need for the calling He has for us.
I am praying for you Attorney General Barr.
I pray you will stand strong in the face of adversity and rely on the Lord to do so. I am grateful for a person who seeks truth and justice in our nation, it is especially important in law enforcement and in politics which you represent. It is the way to keep our nation in the will of God. Thank you for your efforts to weed out injustice. Keep your heart right and mind in prayer as you move forward. I pray also for your staff and our President.
Deuteronomy 31:6- Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.
These are just a few of the wonderful messages that have been sent.
It's not too late for you to participate if you didn't see this or haven't done it yet. Just CLICK HERE and follow the simple instructions: https://www.ifapray.org/pray/message-leader.php?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f71501%2frespond.
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