Journeys and efforts to reach the unreached and teach the untaught of Haiti the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In any possible way efforts to help the poor and needy and to tell their story so others can help them in their need.

More Haitan Troubles, Dead U.N. Security Forces & Food Riots

On Google news which I get daily I read about several things that tell me we are about to have a repeat in haiti. Actuqally three things .....What I have set up is GOOGLE NEWS FOR HAITI. Each day I am emailed the news for haiti...the feeds.
I read quickly how there were renewed food riots. I saw a video on you tube I think we tagged it in our you go there to find it remeber the PBC..that is what is unique about our Satellite of Kids Against Hunger
anyway I read that there were riots and their was an accident where i U.N. security force person died and 11 were injured - I read conflicting reports. One read liek it was a road accident another sounded like it was a could be both in haiti or either/or..
The other thing i read was that 30,000 haitians were ordered back to haiti from the u.s. some with valid papers - I am sure the U.S. intelligence sees on the horizon the collapse of yet another haitian Government....
A third thing that I recieved was a renewed warning and a tightening of the State Department in haiti in areas and times the empl;oyees can go places along with a renewed travel warning for U. S. citizens to not travel to haiti unless it cannot be avoided...
It seems haiti is ripening for yet another failed governemnt - I wonder what nation they will blame this time??? America - France or Canada...the very countried that help them the most....
Anyway the Kids Against hunger palm Beach County Satellite is not there for political nuances - but we are there to FEED THE INNOCENT CHILDREN...for 25 cents we can feed a child a cooked meal of our special food inside haiti.
Now i will explain the 'christmas' box. Every time we recieve a donation of 25 cents its christmas time for a haitian child. Its thanksgiving time for a haitian child.. You see the children are thankful they they recieved a present of some food that day. The box above is a standard shipping box that feeds 216 meals/children and for a $54.00 donation we cna get the job done to feed those 216.....can you help us and donate today....we have PAYPAL set up...we have on the V station information on the left hand side boxes...or you can send a check....
our new website is in final stages of developement and is getting a major overhall right now.. thats a dot com......our other site we are putting together to inform people of how they can help, fundraise, etc is the dot INFO site - www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.INFO its in the process also..
$54.00 FEEDS 216 CHILDREN in an emergency feeding zone or handles 4 feeds for about 50 children that are in more serious need...
Help us today. Save a life with your donation

मोरे रिओट्स इन हैती.

विथ renewed త్రౌబ్లెస్ ఇన్ haiti ...అండ్ సెక్యూరిటీ forces బింగ్ కిల్లెద్ in ది న్యూ food riots
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